Allahumma Munzilal Kitab Dua: Invocation for Victory

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Allahumma Munzilal Kitab, Saree’al-Hisaabi, Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba, Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum (O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and support us against them) a plea to Allah for divine intervention and triumph over adversities. This prayer encapsulates the spirit of seeking guidance and assistance from the Almighty, especially in times of struggle.

Allahumma Munzilal Kitab Meaning:

” Allaahumma Munzilal-Kitabi, Saree’al-Hisaabi, Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba, Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum” translates to “O Allah, the Revealer of the Book, Swift in Reckoning, defeat the groups. O Allah, make them tremble and shake.” This invocation emphasizes the believers’ reliance on Allah’s guidance and mercy in facing challenges and conflicts.

Allahumma Munzilal Kitab Interpretation

The supplication “Allaahumma Munzilal-Kitaabi, Saree’al-Hisaabi, Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba, Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum” is a powerful plea to Allah, capturing the essence of seeking divine intervention and triumph over adversities. Let’s break down its components to understand the depth of this prayer:

The Starting Point: “Allaahumma Munzilal Kitaabi”

The prayer kicks off by addressing Allah as the “Descender of the Book.” This is a recognition of the Quran as the ultimate and unchanged revelation from Allah. By starting with this acknowledgment, believers express their trust in the wisdom and guidance found in the Quran.

Swift Justice: “Saree’al-Hisaabi”

Moving forward, the supplication seeks Allah’s swift accountability with the phrase “Saree’al-Hisaabi.” This part of the prayer reflects the human desire for quick and fair justice. It’s like saying, “O Allah, we trust that You’ll handle matters swiftly and justly.”

Confronting Challenges: “Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba”

The prayer takes a more assertive turn as it implores Allah to “Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba” – defeat the groups of disbelievers or any opposing forces. This part highlights the belief in Allah’s power to overcome challenges, be they physical or spiritual, and is a plea for protection against anything that stands in the way of righteousness.



Repetition for Emphasis: “Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum”

The concluding appeal, “Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum,” reinforces the earlier request for defeat and calls for the shaking of those who oppose the path of goodness. The repetition emphasizes the urgency and intensity of the supplicant’s plea, as if saying, “O Allah, defeat them decisively and shake their foundations.”

In essence, this prayer beautifully encapsulates the spirit of reliance on Allah during challenging times. It acknowledges Allah’s role as the Guide, the Dispeller of difficulties, and the ultimate Defeater of adversarial forces. By reciting this supplication, believers express their trust in Allah’s wisdom, seeking His assistance and guidance in navigating through life’s challenges and triumphing over obstacles. It reflects the profound connection between the supplicant and the Almighty, recognizing Allah’s power to provide guidance, clarity, and support in times of need.

Allahumma munzilal kitab dua in Arabic

اللَّهُمَّ مُنْزِلَ الكِتَابِ سَريعَ الحِسابِ اهْزِمَ الأَحْزَابَ اللَّهُمَّ اهْزِمْهُمْ وَزَلْزِلْهُمْ.

How to Use allahumma munzilal kitab Dua to Defeat Enemies

Feel free to recite this supplication at any time, especially after your obligatory prayers. Here’s a simple guide:

1. After performing your ablution, reflect on your challenges.

2. Recite this particular supplication 100 times: ‘Allaahumma Munzilal-Kitaabi, Saree’al-Hisaabi, Ihzimil-‘Ahzaaba, Allaahumma Ihzimhum wa Zalzilhum’

3. Beseech Allah earnestly, seeking His intervention to eradicate all your challenges and the root causes behind them.

Incorporate this dua into your daily routine for optimal results.

READ MORE: How to Destroy Enemies Using Surah Al Ahzab Verse 68 and allahumma munzilal kitab Dua


“Allaahumma Munzil-al-Kitaabi Saree‛-al-Ḥisaabi” is a powerful supplication encapsulating the essence of reliance on Allah in times of difficulty. It draws from the Quranic principles of seeking divine guidance, trusting in Allah’s swift reckoning, and pleading for victory over adversarial forces. As believers utter these words, they express their unwavering faith in the Almighty’s ability to bring about triumph and justice in the face of adversity.

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