Dua For Protection From Evil and Black Magic

  • Post last modified:June 30, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Dua for Protection Against Black Magic and Its Malevolent Effects

In the realm of the unseen, where the forces of good and evil converge, the dua for protection against black magic emerges as a shield against the nefarious influences of dark magic. Black magic, also known as dark magic, is the manipulation of supernatural powers for malicious and self-serving purposes. This supplication serves as a fortress, a defense against the demonic effects that may seek to disrupt the balance of one’s life.

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Signs of Black Magic: Unveiling the Shadows

To recognize the shadows cast by black magic, one must be attuned to subtle changes in life and disposition. The signs of black magic can manifest in various ways, each indicating a potential influence of supernatural malevolence. Here are some signs to watch for:

1. Dislike of One’s Spouse:

   – This may surface as an unexplained aversion to one’s spouse, a discord that finds mention in the Quran: “And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife…” (Al-Baqarah, 2:102).

2. Divergent Attitudes:

   – A person may experience a noticeable shift in feelings within the home environment, oscillating from missing family outside to extreme hatred upon returning home.

3. Intimacy Challenges:

   – Inability to engage in sexual relations with one’s spouse, creating strain and distance in the marital relationship.



4. Frequent Miscarriages:

   – Pregnant women may face the unfortunate recurrence of miscarriages, a potential consequence of black magic’s influence.

5. Abrupt Behavioral Changes:

   – A sudden and unexplained alteration in behavior, devoid of any apparent reason, indicating a disturbance beyond the surface.

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6. Loss of Appetite:

   – A complete aversion to food, leading to a loss of appetite that defies normal physiological explanations.

7. Imaginary Actions:

   – Instances where one believes they have done something, only to realize it was a mere fabrication of the mind.

8. Unexplained Obedience or Affection:

   – A sudden and uncharacteristic obedience or affection towards a specific person, signifying a potential external influence.

Note of Caution:

While these symptoms may suggest the influence of black magic, it’s crucial to recognize that some of these manifestations could also stem from physiological or psychological factors. Seeking professional advice is advisable to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Dua For Black Magic

Dua For Protection Against Black Magic Using Ya Qahhar

Ya Qahhar” is one of the names of Allah in Islamic tradition, signifying His attribute as the Subduer or the Dominant. The term “Qahhar” conveys the idea of absolute power and control, emphasizing Allah’s authority over all things. When invoked as “Ya Qahhar,” it is a supplication to the Almighty for help in overcoming challenges, dominating difficulties, and seeking refuge in His unmatched strength. Believers turn to this name of Allah in moments of adversity, acknowledging His unparalleled ability to subdue any force or circumstance. The invocation of “Ya Qahhar” reflects a profound trust in Allah’s supremacy and a plea for His intervention in conquering life’s trials.

Dua Procedures for Protection Against Black Magic Using Ya Qahhar

1. Choose Your Time:

   – Begin this protective dua at a time convenient for you. There’s flexibility in when you start.

2. Prepare for Prayer:

   – Ensure that you are in a state of ritual purity by performing ablution. Alternatively, you can recite this dua after any obligatory prayer.

3. Recite Ayatul-Kursi:

   – Recite Ayatul-Kursi, a powerful Quranic verse, eleven times (11 times). Let its words resonate as a shield against negativity.

4. Invoke Ya Qahhaar:

   – Utter “Ya Qahhaar” a total of 1836 times. Immerse yourself in the repetition, seeking the dominance of the Almighty over any challenges.

5. Conclude with Surah Naas:

   – Complete the session by reciting Surah Naas eleven times (11 times). Let its verses further fortify your spiritual protection.

6. Empower Water with Your Dua:

   – Blow on a glass of water after completing the recitations. The water now carries the essence of your supplication.

7. Consume the Empowered Water:

   – Drink the water as a symbolic act of internalizing the spiritual protection you’ve invoked.

8. Consistency for Seven Days:

   – Commit to performing this dua for seven consecutive days without a break. Consistency is key for its effectiveness.

Important Note for Females:

Women should refrain from performing this dua during their menstrual periods. Initiate the seven-day sequence when you can complete it in a continuous stretch without any breaks.

Assistance for Others:

   – If you are performing this dua for someone else affected by black magic, the third person can actively engage in the recitations on their behalf.

This comprehensive procedure amalgamates recitation, intention, and consumption of empowered water, creating a holistic approach to spiritual protection. As you embark on this seven-day journey, may the divine dominance invoked through Ya Qahhaar shield you from the malevolent effects of black magic, fostering a sense of security and well-being.

Conclusion: The Protective Power of Dua For Black Magic

In the face of these signs and potential malevolent forces, the dua for protection against black magic serves as a divine safeguard. This supplication is not merely a chant but a plea to the Almighty for shield and defense against unseen adversaries. Coupled with faith, it becomes a powerful tool to dispel the shadows and restore harmony to a life overshadowed by the dark arts.

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